Inglés, pregunta formulada por balderasaracelimonse, hace 1 día

Irregular verbs
Sast part intentive past, past part
Speak Spoke spoken
did done
eat ate eaten
be was were been

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Contestado por ROCIOPAZZ1408


They all have one important characteristic in common: they almost never end in -ed. Some examples are ate, fought, swam, and given.

It's very common for a vowel (or pair of vowels) to be different from the base form. Began (base form, begin) and froze (base form, freeze) are a two good examples.

Most irregular verbs follow a specific pattern. You'll learn more about this concept later in this lesson.

Let's take a closer look at how the irregular past tense and past participles are formed.

Past Tense

With the irregular past tense, it is common for a vowel in the middle of the verb to change instead of the verb's ending. The verb drive, for example, changes to drove in the past tense.

Other verbs require you to change a vowel and add a new ending. Eat, for example, turns into ate in the past tense.

One of the most common irregular past tense endings is -t (sweep → swept). Sometimes you'll add -d (sell → sold) or -ght (catch → caught) instead.

Often, when the base ends in -ck, -e, -g, -ght, or -n, the past tense will keep that final letter or set of letters.

stick → stuck

drive → drove

ring → rang

fight → fought

run → ran

Past Participles

Just like the irregular past tense, irregular past participles can be formed by changing a vowel, adding a new ending, or doing both. However, the vowel or ending is often (but not always) different from the past tense form. For example, many irregular past participles require you to add an -en, -n, or -ne ending (drive → driven).

Many irregular past participles end in -en, but, similarly to the past tense, they can also end in -t, -ck, -d, -e, -g, or -ght.

In the table below you'll find several examples of how the irregular past tense and past participles are formed. Pay special attention to the vowel changes and different endings.

Base Regular

Present Participle Irregular

Past Irregular

Past Participle

drive driving drove driven

begin beginning began begun

sleep* sleeping slept slept

run running ran run

freeze* freezing froze frozen

eat* eating ate eaten

*For some verbs, such as sleep, freeze, and eat, a pair of vowels changes instead of just a single vowel.

Irregular Verb Patterns

Now that you have an idea of how to form the irregular past tense and irregular past participles, let's take a look at some patterns that an irregular verb may follow.

Common Patterns

swing swung swung

stick stuck stuck

give gave given

freeze froze frozen

Base Past Past Participle

put put put

set set set

Sometimes, the final vowel changes from i in the base to a in the past, and then to u in the past participle.

Base Past Past Participle

begin began begun

ring rang rung

Base Past Past Participle

run ran run

come came come

Base Past Past Participle

fly flew flown

With the verb beat - and only the verb beat - the base and the past tense are the same, but the past participle is different.

Base Past Past Participle

beat beat beaten

Keep in mind that any other verb that has the same base and past tense will also have the same exact past participle (for example, put/put/put).

Note:Knowing these patterns will help you recognize the different verb forms, but it's not the best way to memorize them. Most people learn the irregular verb forms by hearing, reading, and practicing them or by being corrected at home or in school.

Hint:If you aren't sure whether a verb is irregular or not, the easiest solution is to look it up in the dictionary. If the verb is irregular, the dictionary will give you all of the irregular forms.

Present Tense: Irregular Third Person Singular

Verbs that are irregular in the present tense are almost always irregular only in the third person singular form (he, she, it). There are very few verbs that fall into this category; they are to have, to do, and to go. These verbs also have an irregular past tense and past participle.

Regular Present Irregular Present

(third person singular only) Regular Present Participle Irregular Past

(all forms) Irregular Past Participle

(all forms)

I/you/we/they have he/she/it has (not haves) having had had

I/you/we/they do he/she/it does (not dos) doing did done

I/you/we/they go he/she/it goes (not gos) going went gone

Hint: There are certain verbs that have do, go, or have as their root.1 These verbs will have the same irregular forms as the root verb.

The verb forgo, which has the root go, has an irregular past tense form and past participle (forwent, forgone).

Present Tense Present Participle Past Tense Past Participle

I am

you/we/they are

he/she/it is being I/he/she/it was

you/we/they were been


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