Inglés, pregunta formulada por kaibeylin39, hace 16 horas

20 palabras no tan comunes en ingles y su significado

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por jennii7118


Kerfuffle – Alboroto. ...

Hullabaloo – Escándalo. ...

Cacophony – Cacofonía. ...

Ragamuffin – Desaliñado. ...

Whippersnapper. ...

Gobbledygook – Galimatías. ...

Poppycock – Tonterías.

kaibeylin39: Gracias
Contestado por unknow00001


1. Backwash, (en español: retrolavado)

The passing of water or other liquid through a filter in the reverse direction to normal flow in order to flush it clean; an instance of this. Also: Liquid used in such a process.

2. Baked Potato, (en español: patata asada)

A potato baked whole and served in its skin.

3. Beatboxer, (en español: no existe, se toma el mismo término beatboxer)

A performer who uses (amplified) vocal effects to imitate the sounds and rhythms of hip-hop music.

4. Bestie, (en español: mejor amiga)

A person’s best friend; a very close friend.

5. Bitcoin, (en español: bitcoin)

(A proprietary name for) a digital payment system introduced in 2009, having its own unit of account; the unit of account of this system.

6. Blobfish, (en español: pez borrón, pez gota o janira)

Any of several bottom-dwelling deep-sea fishes of the family Psychrolutidae (fathead sculpins), which have large heads; spec. Psychrolutes marcidus of Australian and New Zealand waters, having gelatinous flesh and (once brought to the surface) a distinctive sagging face.

7. BYOD, (en español: no existe)

Bring your own device, the policy or practice of allowing employees, customers, etc., to connect to an organization’s network using their own smartphones, computers, etc.

8. Citrusy, (en español: cítrico)

Of a smell, taste, or colour: characteristic or suggestive of citrus fruit. Also: having such a smell, taste, or colour.

9. Conlang, (en español: idioma artificia o ideolengua)

An artificially created language.

10. Crap shoot, (en español: azar)

A situation or undertaking regarded as uncertain, risky, or unpredictable.

11. Evil genius, (en español: malvado)

A malevolent spirit imagined as accompanying a person and seeking to influence him or her to do evil, and often paired with an opposed benevolent spirit; (in extended use) a person who exerts an evil influence; a person with an exceptional capacity for wrongdoing or malevolence; (also) a highly intelligent criminal or villain.

12. First World problem, (en español: problemas del primer mundo)

A problem affecting the First World and its inhabitants; spec. a cause of frustration or dissatisfaction regarded as trivial, and arising only as a result of the economic and social privilege, access to technology, etc., associated with the First World.

13. Flexitarian, (en español: flexivegetariano)

A person who follows a primarily but not strictly vegetarian diet.

14. Godzooks, (en español: algo parecido a “cáspita”)

Expressing surprise, alarm, frustration, etc.

15. Group hug, (en español: abrazo de grupo)

A hug shared by three or more people in a group, typically as an expression of support or solidarity.

16. Hashtag, (en español: se usa hashtag)

(On social media web sites and applications) a word or phrase preceded by a hash and used to identify messages relating to a specific topic; (also) the hash symbol itself, when used in this way.

17. High muckety-muck, (en español: pez gordo)

A person of high status and influence; an important person, a bigwig.

18. Hip-hopping, (en español: rapear)

The action of hip-hop. Of or relating to hip-hop; that hip-hops.

19.  Upcycling, (en español: reciclar, convertir en algo mejor)

The operation or process of reusing waste materials to create a product of higher value or quality; (more generally) the action or process of repurposing or renovating an old or unwanted item to make it more attractive, valuable, etc.

20. Pescatarian,  (en español: pesco-vegetariano)

A person who eats fish but avoids eating meat; esp. someone who includes fish in an otherwise vegetarian diet. Keeping to a diet which includes fish but not meat; of or relating to pescatarians or their practices.


Son las 20 palabras que considero que no son comunes, espero haberte podido ayudar.

kaibeylin39: Gracias
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