Inglés, pregunta formulada por Maicol202073, hace 10 meses

20 oraciónes usando verbo irregulares y pronombres posesivos en inglés porfavor ayúdeme

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por angeles178


♠The book that is on the table is mine.

♠I found a shoe at my bedroom, and I think is yours.

♠I think his mother is calling him, but he does not pick up the phone.

♠The boy that is crying is hers

♠The ball is its.

♠All those boxes are ours. We are moving to a new house

♣Those pencils are yours? Can you lend me one?

♠All those dogs are theirs. They take a walk at the park every day.

♠That is Michael’s house, the yellow one that is on the hill

♠The phone number you call last night is mine.

♠Jack is driving a car. Is it his?  Jack

♠Here is the dress I am going to wear. Where is yours?  

♠All those books are theirs. Why do not you borrow them one?  

♠Is that pizza from yours? I would like to eat a slice; it looks so delicious. ¿

♣That is not Tina’s cell phone. Hers has no keyboard.

♠The cat is playing with ______ ball.

♠Those cakes are ours. I bought them for my mother’s party. ]

Maicol202073: Gracias
angeles178: de nada
Maicol202073: Oye te puedo hacer otra pregunta
angeles178: son dime
angeles178: si
Contestado por Ralsei2004

I bought your computer at a good price.

has he spent his salary?

she went to her country

they were in their houses

they were very beautiful because of their personality.

we could run to his house.

(son muy pocas, no llegan a 20 pero espero te ayuden aunque sea :3)

Maicol202073: Claro que me ayuda amigo
Otras preguntas
Matemáticas, hace 5 meses