Inglés, pregunta formulada por manuda3651, hace 1 año

20 oraciones en ingles utilizando sustantivos contables

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por MrMultilingual
¡Hola - Hi!
Bueno amigo/a, trataré de ayudarte.
Los Sustantivos Contables, son palabras que equivalen a Objetos los cuales podemos contar, agrupar o separar.
1-The book is big
2-The door is red
3-The knives are in the kitchen
4-The leaves are on the floor
5-The computer is damaged
6-The notebooks are on the floor
7-The walls are dirty
8-The screens don't have anything to look at
9-The table is very long
10-That woman is beautiful
11-That man is ugly
12-That spoon is dirty
13-That packback is yours
14-That bike is hers
15-The answers are right
16-The questions are incorrect
17-The days of a week
18-The months of the year
19-The coins are small
20-The rivers in a country

Bueno, eso es todo amigo/a, espero que te sirvan.
Saludos, Mr.Multilingual.
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