20 adjetivos en ingles y su significado en español
Respuestas a la pregunta
Contestado por
aburrido dull = boring
agradable, simpático likable / likeable
agradecido thankful = grateful
agresivo aggressive
amable gentle = kind, polite
amable polite
ambicioso ambitious
amigable friendly
apasionado passionate
apático unsympathetic
arrogante, prepotente arrogant
atrevido cheeky
audaz audacious
calmo calm
celoso jealous
charlatán talkative
compasivo sympathetic
comprensivo understanding
confiable reliable = trustworthy
considerado considerate
cortés attentive
creativo creative
cruel mean = cruel
curioso curious
débil weak
decidido determined = b-willed
desconfiable unreliable = untrustworthy
descortés rude = impolite
deshonesto dishonest
divertido cheerful = amusing
dominante dominant
egoísta selfish
encantador charming
energético energetic
entusiasta zealous
envidioso envious
estricto strict
excéntrico eccentric
extrovertido extroverted
fanfarrón boastful
franco frank
frívolo frivolous
fuerte strong
generoso generous
haragán lazy
hipócrita hypocritical
honesto honest = truthful
humilde humble
impaciente impatient
impredecible unpredictable
impulsivo impulsive
indiferente indifferent
ingenioso ingenious
inseguro insecure
insensible insensitive
insolente insolent
interesado self-seeking
introvertido introverted
irascible irascible
irrespetuoso disrespectful
irresponsable irresponsible
leal loyal = faithful
maduro mature
malhumorado bad-tempered
malhumorado moody
materialista materialistic
metido nosey
mezquino mean = stingy, tight-fisted
modesto modest
molesto annoying
obediente obedient
obsesionado obsessed
obstinado stubborn = obstinate
olvidadizo forgetful
optimista optimistic
organizado organized
orgulloso proud = arrogant
paciente patient
paciente tolerant = patient
pesimista pessimistic
práctico practical
realista realistic
rencoroso spiteful
respetuoso respectful
responsable responsible
seguro self-confident
sensato sensible
sensible sensitive
sincero sincere
sociable sociable = outgoing
solitario lonely
tímido shy
valiente courageous = brave
vanidoso vain = conceited
0 nought, zero -
1 one first
2 two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
10 ten tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve twelfth
13 thirteen thirteenth
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fiveteen fiveteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eightheenth
19 nineteen nineteenth
20 twenty twentieth
21 twenty-one twenty-first
30 thirty thirtieth
40 forty fortieth
50 fifty fiftieth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 a/one hundred a/one hundredth
1.000 a/one thousand a/one thousandth
1.000.000 a/one million a/one millionth
este/esta= this
ese/esa/aquel/aquella= that
estos/estas =these
esos/esas/aquellos/aquellas =those
each (cada); every (todo); either (uno y otro); neither (ni uno ni otro);
De cantidad:
some,(algún); any (cualquier); little (poco); few (pocos); many (muchos); much (mucho); enough (bastante);
which? (¿cual?); what? (¿qué?); whose? (¿ de quien?); etc.
my(mi, mis); your (tu, tus); his (su, sus); her (su, sus); our (nuestro/a/os/as); your (vuestro/a/os/as); its (su, sus);their (su, sus);
English (Inglés); Spanish (Español); etc
agradable, simpático likable / likeable
agradecido thankful = grateful
agresivo aggressive
amable gentle = kind, polite
amable polite
ambicioso ambitious
amigable friendly
apasionado passionate
apático unsympathetic
arrogante, prepotente arrogant
atrevido cheeky
audaz audacious
calmo calm
celoso jealous
charlatán talkative
compasivo sympathetic
comprensivo understanding
confiable reliable = trustworthy
considerado considerate
cortés attentive
creativo creative
cruel mean = cruel
curioso curious
débil weak
decidido determined = b-willed
desconfiable unreliable = untrustworthy
descortés rude = impolite
deshonesto dishonest
divertido cheerful = amusing
dominante dominant
egoísta selfish
encantador charming
energético energetic
entusiasta zealous
envidioso envious
estricto strict
excéntrico eccentric
extrovertido extroverted
fanfarrón boastful
franco frank
frívolo frivolous
fuerte strong
generoso generous
haragán lazy
hipócrita hypocritical
honesto honest = truthful
humilde humble
impaciente impatient
impredecible unpredictable
impulsivo impulsive
indiferente indifferent
ingenioso ingenious
inseguro insecure
insensible insensitive
insolente insolent
interesado self-seeking
introvertido introverted
irascible irascible
irrespetuoso disrespectful
irresponsable irresponsible
leal loyal = faithful
maduro mature
malhumorado bad-tempered
malhumorado moody
materialista materialistic
metido nosey
mezquino mean = stingy, tight-fisted
modesto modest
molesto annoying
obediente obedient
obsesionado obsessed
obstinado stubborn = obstinate
olvidadizo forgetful
optimista optimistic
organizado organized
orgulloso proud = arrogant
paciente patient
paciente tolerant = patient
pesimista pessimistic
práctico practical
realista realistic
rencoroso spiteful
respetuoso respectful
responsable responsible
seguro self-confident
sensato sensible
sensible sensitive
sincero sincere
sociable sociable = outgoing
solitario lonely
tímido shy
valiente courageous = brave
vanidoso vain = conceited
0 nought, zero -
1 one first
2 two second
3 three third
4 four fourth
5 five fifth
6 six sixth
7 seven seventh
8 eight eighth
9 nine ninth
10 ten tenth
11 eleven eleventh
12 twelve twelfth
13 thirteen thirteenth
14 fourteen fourteenth
15 fiveteen fiveteenth
16 sixteen sixteenth
17 seventeen seventeenth
18 eighteen eightheenth
19 nineteen nineteenth
20 twenty twentieth
21 twenty-one twenty-first
30 thirty thirtieth
40 forty fortieth
50 fifty fiftieth
60 sixty sixtieth
70 seventy seventieth
80 eighty eightieth
90 ninety ninetieth
100 a/one hundred a/one hundredth
1.000 a/one thousand a/one thousandth
1.000.000 a/one million a/one millionth
este/esta= this
ese/esa/aquel/aquella= that
estos/estas =these
esos/esas/aquellos/aquellas =those
each (cada); every (todo); either (uno y otro); neither (ni uno ni otro);
De cantidad:
some,(algún); any (cualquier); little (poco); few (pocos); many (muchos); much (mucho); enough (bastante);
which? (¿cual?); what? (¿qué?); whose? (¿ de quien?); etc.
my(mi, mis); your (tu, tus); his (su, sus); her (su, sus); our (nuestro/a/os/as); your (vuestro/a/os/as); its (su, sus);their (su, sus);
English (Inglés); Spanish (Español); etc
Otras preguntas
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Ciencias Sociales,
hace 1 año
hace 1 año
Ciencias Sociales,
hace 1 año