Inglés, pregunta formulada por unusuariodegoogle23, hace 20 días

2. Use the previews 16 sentences and write them in NEGATIVE FORM. Usa las 16 oraciones
anteriores y escribelas en forma negativa, recuerda hacer uso de wasn’t y weren’t. Si realizas
dibujos para cada oración tendras puntos extras.
Ayuda porfavor!!


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por ImSmarterThanYou



  1. My mother wasn't ill.
  2. They weren't angry.
  3. You weren't bored.
  4. He wasn't very tall.
  5. The weather wasn't cold.
  6. The children weren't excited.
  7. We weren't late.
  8. My parents weren't proud.
  9. My friends weren't happy.
  10. The pizza wasn't delicious!
  11. The dog wasn't hungry.
  12. The coffee wasn't too hot.
  13. You weren't tired.
  14. It wasn't very rainy.
  15. The cat wasn't scared.
  16. I wasn't sleepy.

wasn't / weren't es el pasado negativo del verbo to be ( ser / estar )

Usamos wasn't para los pronombres I, he, she, it o sustantivos en singular.

Usamos weren't para los pronombres you, we, they o sustantivos en plural.

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