Inglés, pregunta formulada por sofi250822, hace 11 meses

2. Put the words below in the correct order to make grammatically correct sentences. (Each sentence is in the present perfect tense.) Ex. finished they yet homework their haven’t They haven’t finished their homework yet. 1. week I flu had the since have last 2. time divorced she for been long a has 3. been week absent all school from has he 4. this city apartment lived since I in this have I moved to 5. lesson already that has teacher taught the 6. Edith child since glasses was a worn has she 7. since she at broke work hasn’t her been leg she 8. new very happy the their children puppy they have since got been

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por 123brains

i have had the flu since last week

she has been divorced for a long time

ha has been absent from school all week

i lived in this appartment since i moved to this city

the teacher has allready taught that lesson

Edith has worn glases since she was a child

since she broke her leg she hasnt been at work

the children have been veru happy since they got their puppy

12345qwerty12345: hola hgcyugugvgefgfgvfgvgvhhhvbhjvbgviyhebvhjefv
sofi250822: hola?
123brains: quien es ese metido .
Anne1314: me sacaste de apuros
123brains: Que pasa...❄
123brains: si . ya se
123brains: adonde?
Anne1314: aqui
123brains: como si estoy solo.. no todo el mundo ve esto
Contestado por AhnEvans

Usando la gramática del idioma inglés se puede ordenar de forma correcta las distintas oraciones y así ofrecerles coherencia.

¿Cómo se usa la gramática en el inglés?

Hay una gran variedad de reglas en el idioma inglés que permiten que la gramática se utilice de forma correcta. Asimismo, gracias a estas reglas se pueden generar oraciones coherentes, por ejemplo:

  • Week I flu had the since have last

I have flu since the last week.

  • Time divorced she for been long a has

She has been divorced for a long time.

  • Been week absent all school from has he

He has been absent from school all week.

  • This city apartment lived since I in this have I moved to

I lived in this apartment since I moved to this city.

  • Lesson already that has teacher taught the

The teacher has already taught that lesson.

  • Edith child since glasses was a worn has she

Edith has worn glasses since she was a child.

  • Since she at broke work hasn’t her been leg she

She hasn’t at work since she broke her leg.

  • New very happy the their children puppy they have since got been

The children have been very happy since they got their puppy.

Si quieres conocer más sobre la gramática en inglés, puedes ver más aquí:


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