Inglés, pregunta formulada por teresitaguti13, hace 10 meses

2-Elige la respuesta empleando las palabras entre paréntesis. Todas las frases deben ser en
el segundo condicional inglés.
1) If it (rains/rained) ____________________ tomorrow, we (will stay/would stay)
____________________ at home.
2) If Mary (got/gets) ____________________ to work early, she (will have/would have)
____________________ time to finish the report.
3) Small shops (will close/would close) ____________________ if so many people (went/go)
____________________ to hypermarkets.
4) We (will visit/would visit) ____________________ the new zoo if it (does not rain/did not
rain) ____________________.
5) If you (take/took) ____________________ the top off, you (would get/will get)
____________________the water out.
6) If you (walked/walk) ____________________ down this street, you (will find/would find)
____________________ the post office.
7) The paella (will not burn/would not burn) ____________________ if you (turned down/turn
down) ____________________ the heat.
8) If we (left/leave) ____________________ now, we (will be/would be)
____________________ home in time to see the football match.
9) If Mary (does not like/did not like) ____________________ the present, John (will
buy/would buy) ____________________ something different.
10) My daughter (would finish/will finish) ____________________ university by 2017 if she
(started/starts) ____________________ this year.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por jessicasalguerob
1. rained, would stay
2. got, would have
3. would close, went
4. would visit, did not rain
5. took, would get
6. walked, would find
7. would not burn, turned down
8. left, would be
9. did not like, would buy
10. would finish, started
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