Salud, pregunta formulada por camilavillasen41, hace 6 meses

2 Cross out the word that doesn't belong in each sentence.
1. It's cold, so put on a scarf / some shorts / a sweater.
2. It's hot today, so wear a coat / shorts / a T-shirt.
3. We have P.E this afternoon, so take your blouse / shorts / sneakers to school.
4. This is a formal dinner, so wear a blouse / a dress / jeans.
5. For the 10K race I need new dresses / sneakers / shorts.
6. We don't have a uniform, so boys usually wear a dress / pants / jeans to school.
7. The coat/ dress / skirt goes from her neck to her knees.
8. We can't see his face because he's wearing a hat / a scarf / sneakers.​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por DBAD

In the first sentence, the word that does not belong is some shorts.

Sentences and words that do not belong

To know the words that do not belong, we must analyze the context of the sentence, so we will realize which one is out of place. I will indicate it in bold:

  • It's cold, so wear a scarf/some shorts/sweater.
  • It's hot today, so wear a coat/shorts/t-shirt.
  • We have PE this afternoon, so please bring your blouse/shorts/sneakers to school.
  • This is a formal dinner, so wear a blouse/dress/jeans.
  • For the 10K I need new dresses/sneakers/shorts.
  • We do not have a uniform, so the boys usually wear a dress/pants/jeans to school.
  • The coat/dress/skirt goes from the neck to the knees.
  • We cannot see his face because he is wearing a hat/scarf/sneakers.

En español

En la primera oración, la palabra que no pertenece es pantalones cortos.

Oraciones y palabras que no pertenecen

Para saber las palabras que no pertenecen debemos analizar el contexto de la oración, así nos daremos cuenta de cuál está fuera de lugar. Te la indicaré en negritas:

  1. Hace frío, así que ponte una bufanda/pantalones cortos/un suéter.
  2. Hoy hace calor, así que ponte un abrigo/pantalones cortos/una camiseta.
  3. Tenemos educación física esta tarde, así que lleva tu blusa/pantalones cortos/zapatillas a la escuela.
  4. Esta es una cena formal, así que usa una blusa/un vestido/jeans.
  5. Para la carrera de 10K necesito vestidos/zapatillas/pantalones cortos nuevos.
  6. No tenemos uniforme, por lo que los niños suelen llevar un vestido/pantalones/jeans a la escuela.
  7. El abrigo/vestido/falda va desde el cuello hasta las rodillas.
  8. No podemos verle la cara porque lleva un sombrero/una bufanda/zapatillas.

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