Inglés, pregunta formulada por zaury27, hace 3 meses

2. Corrige los errors 1. The boys is read a book _____________________________ 1. She are dancing now ____________________________ 2. I are practice tennis this year ____________________________ 3. Jenny and I am eat pizza at this moment ____________________________

Danna1997: 1. The boys are reading a book
Danna1997: 2. She is dancing now.
3. I am practice tennis this year
4. Jenny and I are eating pizza at this moment
zaury27: gracias

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Josephander


2. Corrige los errors 1. The boys are read a book

1. She is dancing now

2. I am practicing tennis this year

3. Jenny and I eat pizza at this moment

zaury27: gracias
Contestado por Danna1997




1. The boys are reading a book  

2. She is dancing now.

3. I am practice tennis this year

4. Jenny and I are eating pizza at this moment

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