Inglés, pregunta formulada por habracadabra, hace 10 meses

2. Complete the question for each answer. (Completa en forma de pregunta por cada respuesta)

a. When did the industrial revolution happen in Britain ?

The Industrial Revolution happened during the second half of the 18th century in Britain.

b. How ___________________________________________ ?

Work changed with the building of large factories.

c. What____________________________________________ ?

The first factories produced iron, steel, and textiles.

d What_____________________________________________?

New technology encouraged the production of more ships, and railway equipment.

e .What power ___________________________________________?

Factories used steam power.

f .What ________________________________________________?

These factories required lots of coal for the steam engines.

g. Where________________________________________________?

Manufacturers constructed their factories close to coal mines.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por PauloCF

a.  How do you work?

b.  What did the first factories produce?

c. What encouraged the new technology?

d. What power did the factories use?

e. What did these factories require for steam engines?

f.   Where did manufacturers build their factories?

Otras preguntas