Inglés, pregunta formulada por alexitho1235, hace 1 día

2. Complete cada oración escribiendo el auxiliar Has para sujetos en singular y el auxiliar Have para I, you, we, they y sujetos en plural. Y despues escriba el verbo en participio pasado, si es verbo regular agrega Ed al final y si es verbo irregular debe consultar en el listado de verbos. Traduzca las oraciones

1. I have seen (see) this film once

2. Carol_____(paint) her bedroom

3. Peter_____(break) his leg

4. She______(call) her mother

5. I_________(have) bread for days

6. They______(be) to Italy twice

7. Jim _______(sell) his car

8. Tina_______(wash) her hair

9. Liam_______(lose) his keys

10. Lucy and his friend_____(visit) the museum​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por doris85dadc

jeje lo siento no te creas

Contestado por lynnie


2- has painted

3- has broken

4. has called

5. have had

6.have been

7. has sold

8. has washed

9. has lost

10. have visited

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