2 CHECK. Read each statement. Circle T for true or F for false.
1. Dennis thinks that online reviews are not very important in marketing.
2. Newspaper ads used to be more effective.
3. Some marketing people have a negative opinion of online reviews.
4. Customers with problems are more likely to write online reviews.
5. Online shoppers won't buy a product if they see a negative review.
6. Positive online reviews aren't very valuable.
True False
True False
True False
True False
True False
True False
Respuestas a la pregunta
1. Dennis thinks that online reviews are not very important in marketing. / FALSE
2. Newspaper ads used to be more effective./TRUE
3. Some marketing people have a negative opinion of online reviews. /TRUE
4. Customers with problems are more likely to write online reviews./TRUE
5. Online shoppers won't buy a product if they see a negative review./ TRUE
6. Positive online reviews aren't very valuable./FALSE
2 CHECK. Read each statement. Circle T for true or F for false.
- 1. Dennis thinks that online reviews are not very important in marketing. / FALSE
- 2. Newspaper ads used to be more effective./TRUE
- 3. Some marketing people have a negative opinion of online reviews. /TRUE
- 4. Customers with problems are more likely to write online reviews./TRUE
- 5. Online shoppers won't buy a product if they see a negative review./ TRUE
- 6. Positive online reviews aren't very valuable./FALSE
Inicio del Inglés
El idioma de inglés es una lengua que surgió en el territorio del Reino Anglosajón de Inglaterra, cuyo origen es germánico occidental y perteneciente a la familia de lenguas indoeuropeas.
Este idioma, a pesar del territorio donde surgió, se extendió hacia el Norte, en el sudeste de Escocia.
Para aprender más sobre gramática en inglés consulte el siguiente enlace: brainly.lat/tarea/14065327