Castellano, pregunta formulada por ranitalobito791, hace 2 días

10 preguntas de



Sentimientos en tercera persona

que sean las preguntas en ingles y no contesten con gracias por los puntos
por qué los reporto.

atte: si estás cansado de entrar a preguntas que tienen memes y cosas que no tengan que ver con una tarea no entres o no las respondas ni las reportes.​

ranitalobito791: eso si
ranitalobito791: que hases
ranitalobito791: ntp

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por anapm16


What time do you get up?

What is your morning routine?

Who do you eat breakfast with?

How do you get to school?

Do you take a bath or a shower?

When do you shower? (In the morning or at night?)

What do you do after school?

What is your afternoon routine?

What is your nightly routine?

What is your routine on the weekends?


Do you like ice cream?

Does John like the New York city?

Does Mary like Math's class?

What is your favorite book?

What is your favorite vacation spot?

Do you practice any sport?

Are you a fan of any team?

Where you would like to live?

You like to travel?

What is your favorite food?

Sentimientos en tercera persona:

What things make you laugh?

When was the last time you felt ashamed or embarrassed?

What activities energize or excite you?

What do you do for fun?

What are two of your personal habits that have worked well for you?

How well do you receive help from other people?

How comfortable do you feel asking other people for help?

What is one of the internal battles that you must face every day?

What things make you angry?

What aspect of your job are you passionate about?

anapm16: espero te ayude ;)
ranitalobito791: gracias
ranitalobito791: lo que me refería era todas las preguntas en tercera persona
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