Inglés, pregunta formulada por MiniNoriega, hace 1 año

10 palabras en presente pasado y futuro

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por hayde24

1-BE                      2-WAS/WERE    3-WILL BE    4-SER O ESTAR 

1-GO                     2-WENT     3-WILL GO      4-IR 
1-HAVE                 2-HAD   3-WILL HAVE     4-TENER 
1-SEE                    2-SAW    3-WILL SEE    4-VER 
1-EAT                    2-ATE    3-WILL EAT    4-COMER 
1-DO/DOES          2-DID    3-WILL DO     4HACER 
1-READ                2-READ    3-WILL READ     4-LEER 
1-PLAY                 2-PLAYED    3-WILL PLAY    4-JUGAR
1-BUY                   2-BOUGHT    3-WILL BUY    4-COMPRAR 
1-RUN                   2-RAN    3-WILL RUN    4-CORRER 
1-GET                   2-GOT   3-WILL GET    4-CONSEGUIR 
1-WRITE               2-WROTE    3-WILL WRITE    4-ESCRIBIR 
1-DRINK               2-DRANK   3-WILL DRINK    4-TOMAR O BEBER 
1-MAKE               2-MADE    3-WILL MAKE    4-HACER 
1-SPEAK             2-SPOKE    3-WILL SPEAK    4-HABLAR 
1-KNOW              2-KNEW    3-WILL KNOW    4-SABER 
1-STUDY             2-STUDIED    3-WILL STUDY    4-ESTUDIAR 
1-COME              2-CAME    3-WILL COME    4-VENIR 
1-FLY                  2-FLEW    3-WILL FLY    4-VOLAR 

Contestado por cifuentessofia9
I married Kelly last year.presente : 
we come to schoolby bus .
she reads the newspaper every day .

you work very hard .
she likes to sit in the sun 
we play in the park every day 
he watches his son in the park 
we always try to arrive on time 
he always walks to school 
she does the work of two people 
the dog chases the cat all around the house 
pasado : 
you worked very hard last week 
she lived in japan last year 
they learned how to swim two years ago
she liked to sit in the sun 
he always walked to school 
i painted my house last weekend 
Mr. green worked with my uncle 
i marriend kelly last year 
he worked in his garden yesterday 
He studied for his English class.

1- we are going to eat hamburguers tomorrow 
2- the next week im going to go to the bathroom 
3- the next year im going to have a shower 
4- tonight im going to clean my theeth 
5-why you not study! 
6- Im gonna live forever 
7-im going to been to london 
8-january is going to fell down 
9- I going to fell inlove with my granmother 
10-im going to molesting my brother 
Otras preguntas