Respuestas a la pregunta
Estas son 10 oraciones en ingles usando el pasado continuo (past continuous)
- I was having fun in the party
- He was traveling last week
- You were studying for the test in that moment
- Andrew was preparing his speech
- Sandra wasn't singing in the club yesterday
- They weren't playing together
- We weren't talking about it
- Were you cooking this morning?
- Was Sam walking in the park?
- Was She working with you?
El PASADO CONTINUO se forma empleando el verbo auxiliar TO BE conjugado en pasado, seguido del verbo de acción terminado en -ING.
Sujeto + To Be en pasado + Verbo-ING + Complemento
Este tiempo verbal se usa para indicar acciones que estaban ocurriendo en un tiempo pasado no tan lejano.
Sigue aprendiendo en:
- 10 oraciones con pasado continuo y 10 oraciones con presente continuo https://brainly.lat/tarea/277158
Las oraciones en pasado continuo hablan de acciones que estaban sucediendo en pasado pero que fueron interrumpidas por otra acción.
1.- Afirmativa: I was sleeping when you arrived.
Negativa: I wasn't sleeping when you arrived.
Interrogativa: Were you sleeping when I arrived?
2.- Afirmativa: She was running late to school.
Negativa: She wasn't running late to school.
Interrogativa: Was she running late to school?
3.- Afirmativa: He was working.
Negativa: He wasn't working.
Interrogativa: Was he working?
4.- Afirmativa: They were playing all day yesterday.
Negativa: They weren't playing all day yesterday
Interrogativa: Were they playing all day yesterday?
5.- Afirmativa: She was't going to go to the party.
Negativa: She wasn't going to go to the party.
Interrogativa: Was she going to go to the party?
6.- Afirmativa: My sister was cooking a cake when I left.
Negativa: My sister wasn't cooking a cake when I left.
Interrogativa: Was your sister cooking a cake when you left?
7.- Afirmativa: I was calling you.
Negativa: I wasn't calling you.
Interrogativa: Were you calling me?
8.- Afirmativa: My sisters were studying with their friends.
Negativa: My sisters weren't studying with their friends.
Interrogativa: Were your sisters studying with their friends?
9.- Afirmativa: My dad was working late.
Negativa: My dad wasn't working late.
Interrogativa: Was my dad working late?
10.- Afirmativa: My friends were talking in class.
Negativa: My friends weren't talking in class.
Interrogativa: Were your friends talking in class?
Puedes ver más aquí brainly.lat/tarea/34950646