Inglés, pregunta formulada por gabrielrr19072006, hace 3 días

10 oraciónes en tiempo de pandemia con el verbo should ​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por natvaldm


  1. You should always wear your mask.
  2. You should wash your hands constantly.
  3. You should stay at home if you don't have to go out for an emergency.
  4. You should only go out if it's extremely necessary.
  5. You should get vaccinated.
  6. You should keep your distance.
  7. You should use antibactirial gel.
  8. You should try to avoid any unnecessary contact with people.
  9. You should avoid close spaces with too much people.
  10. You should avoid crowds on big events.
  11. You should respect all the sanitary rules in public places.

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