10 oraciones con past y present tense
Respuestas a la pregunta
1-Mi hermano terminó la tarea.
My brother finished his homework.
2-Anne viajó a Londres.
Anne travelled to London.
3-A John y Sam les gustó el show.
John and Sam liked the show.
4-Me fui de vacaciones.
I went on holidays.
5-Susan trabajó en el hospital.
Susan worked at the hospital.
6-Dijeron que sí.
They said yes.
7-Ella escaló la montaña.
She climbed the mountain.
8-Él caminó hasta acá.
He walked here.
9-John miró hacia acá.
John looked this way.
10-Me sentí muy mal.
I felt poorly.
present :
1. She does not accept my decision
2. My mother never watches TV in her room.
3. Paul never does his homework
4. What do you say about the new law of migration?
5. Doesn’t he play in Barcelona?
6. This bus leaves at night
7. Don’t be jealous about Mark, he is just a friend.
8. People do not like this way to do the things
9. She is the prettiest woman in the world
10. The car is in the garage