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when a researcher sprayed gene-altered bacteria on a strawberry field here today in it marked the end of a bitter struggle by scientists to begin testing advanced genetic techniques in the environment.
but for the biotechnology industry , government regulators and the public as well, the questions are only beginning.
In the five years of debate and litigation since such as experiment was proposed, awareness of the both the vast potential and the possible deleterius effects of biotechnology has grow and the nation has started to fashion a regulatory framework.
But experts say that more wook needs to be done to develop a detailed regulatory framework and to develop methods to asses the ultimate risks of such experimentation. It will be several years before the biochnology industry, wich has already been stalled in its attempt to apply its techniques to agriculture, begin to make the new approaches profitable. Ultimate Questions About Safety.
In many ways, the testing of the frost-fighting bacteria, called ice-minus of Frostban, could not answer ultimate questions about safely. Even opponents, who had voiced questions about the unknown effects, privately conceded that Frost ban itself would be genetically harmless. Other scientists say the each test should be judged on its own merits