Inglés, pregunta formulada por Lalisamandobal, hace 18 días

1). subraye las oraciones en presente continuo y traduzca el texto.

Last month I was on holiday in Ireland with my mum and dad. One day, we were driving through a small village. It was time for lunch, so we stopped at a restaurant. It was a large, old builiding. We looked through the window. There were lots of people in the restaurant. They were eating, drinking and chatting. A musician was playing the violin. But there was something strange about the people. They weren't wearing normal, modern clothes. They were wearing hats, jackets and dresses from another century. We couldn't understand it. But we were hungry, so we opened the door. When we went into the restaurant, everything was different. The people were wearing normal clothes. The musician wasn't there- the music was on CD. It was a very strange experience!

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Contestado por cummeameplis1


Last month I was on holiday in Ireland with my mum and dad. One day, we were driving through a small village. It was time for lunch, so we stopped at a restaurant. It was a large, old builiding. We looked through the window. There were lots of people in the restaurant. They were eating, drinking and chatting. A musician was playing the violin. But there was something strange about the people. They weren't wearing normal, modern clothes. They were wearing hats, jackets and dresses from another century. We couldn't understand it. But we were hungry, so we opened the door. When we went into the restaurant, everything was different. The people were wearing normal clothes. The musician wasn't there- the music was on CD. It was a very strange experience!

El mes pasado estuve de vacaciones en Irlanda con mi mamá y mi papá. Un día, íbamos conduciendo por un pequeño pueblo. Era la hora del almuerzo, así que paramos en un restaurante. Era un edificio antiguo y grande. Miramos por la ventana. Había mucha gente en el restaurante. Estaban comiendo, bebiendo y charlando. Un músico tocaba el violín. Pero había algo extraño en la gente. No vestían ropa normal y moderna. Llevaban sombreros, chaquetas y vestidos de otro siglo. No pudimos entenderlo. Pero teníamos hambre, así que abrimos la puerta. Cuando entramos en el restaurante, todo era diferente. La gente vestía ropa normal. El músico no estaba, la música estaba en CD. ¡Fue una experiencia muy extraña!

Lalisamandobal: MUCHAS GRACIAS TT♡
cummeameplis1: yep
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