Inglés, pregunta formulada por sneiderl2004, hace 1 año

1. Search information about comparatives and superlatives, write them in his (her) notebook.(Grammar,, rules, examples)

2. Read the sentences. Which sentences compare two things? Which sentences compare one thing above all others?

Compare two things: _____

Compare one thing above all others: ______

a. Reggaeton is more modern tan Rap.

b. Punks are the coolest people in the world.

c. Breakdancing is more popular than hip hop.

d. Goths wear darker clothes tan rockers.

e. Heavy metal music is more popular in Colombia than in the UK.

f. Emos have the most interesting style

3. Copy and complete the table with the adjectives in the box. Write the comparative and superlative form.

Old – modern – extreme - dirty - fashionable - long - popular – healty – dangerous


One syllable, or two syllables ending – y Two or more syllables One syllable, or two syllable ending - y Two or more syllables

Older The oldest

More modern The most modern

4. Match the words in the box with the pictures. Which ítems do people take on a camping trip? Search pictures about vocabulary above and paste them.

Bacpack – sleeping bag – hiking boots – swimsuit – life jacket – camera – sunglasses – tent – hlmet – torch – trainers – waterproof jacket

5. Put the ítems from exercise above in the correct column. Then ad done more ítem for each activity.

hiking At the beach sleeping canoeing Horse riding

6. Read about Forest Hill Summer Camp. Choose an activity that you’d like to do in the morning, afternoon and evening.


What are you going to do this summer? Why not come on our summer camp in Forest Hill and have an awesome time! You can stay for one day, two days, a whole week or all summer, if you want!

In the morning: The mornings are great for creative people. We're going to have art and drawing classes, drama classes and we’re going to play music together too. If you play an instrument bring it to camp! We rehearse every day, and have a concert every weekend.

In the afternoon: We're going to get active! We're coins: to co hiking and horse riding in the forest, swimming in the lake, and canoeing and white water rafting in the river.

In the evening: The evenings are for relaxing. We’re going to have a party EVERY night with music, a barbecue, and stories round the campfire. Or if you prefer, you can watch a movie in the movie tent.

At the weekend: At the weekend, there are excursions to interesting places mountains, beaches and even a volcano! But we aren’t going to tell you what to do it’s your choice.

Star: Monday 2nd June

End: Sunday 31st August


• Creative; creativo/a

• Draing clases: clases de dibujo

• Rehearse: ensayar • Bring: traer

• Go hiking: hacer senderismo

• Campfire: fogata

7. In pairs, ask and about the activities that you want to do at the Summer Camp.


A. What do you want to do in the morning?

B. I want to go to the drawing class. What about you?

8. Read the box and complete the sentences with at, in, or on.

a. We are going to have arts lessons ¬___ the morning.

b. The song festival is ¬¬___ 9:00 pm ___ Saturday and Sunday.

c. ¬¬___ the afternoon, we’re going to go to the river. We’re going to return to the camp ¬¬¬___ 6:00 pm.

d. ___ night, I prefer playing games near the campfire rather than telling stories.

e. We get home on Sunday 7:00 pm ___ the evening.

f. The next school camp trip is going to be ___ June.

g. ___ Saturday, we’re going to do activities at the lake, and ___ night we’re going to play hide and seek.


Prepotitions of time in / on / at

• We use in for months, years and parts of the day.

Example: in february, in 1981, in the morning

• We use on for dates and days.

Example: on March 28th, on Monday

• We use at for times, festivals, at night and at the weekend.

Example: at 6 o’ clock, at Christmas​

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Contestado por dayanamichelcasasesp


me ayudan asolucionarlo

Contestado por nayleretro525


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