Inglés, pregunta formulada por OTAKUUUUU, hace 9 meses

1. Read the text by a student returning to school. Hello to you all! WELCOME BACK TO SCHOOL I am so happy because guess what? I am back at school. Yes, I know what you are thinking, but well. I’m pleased to see all my friends...even though it ́s on line because of the coronavirus! I was happy this morning to start a new school year. Let me start from the beginning. My name is Alison and I’m 12 years old and my brother John is 15. I also have a younger brother, Steve, who is 8 years old. My mother, Sara, is 46. She is a doctor. My father, Michael, is 47, he is a chef in a restaurant. They are very nice, funny, but they sometimes get angry when we do stupid things. Since March, we are stressed because we can’t go back to school because of the coronavirus. My father lost his job because the restaurant closed. My mom became our hero because she helped care for people infected with the coronavirus. When our teachers told us that we would not have classes, we all jumped for joy, but we never thought it was going to be that long. We were sad because we couldn’t see our friends and teachers, but our parents told us it was for our safety. During this pandemic, we have learned many things. I learned to cook. I also learned to play with my brothers; we created different games to entertain ourselves. I enjoyed watching series on TV and reading books. We learned to be more collaborative at home, and the most important thing was learning to enjoy family time. This is a new school year where will continue taking online classes, but we are happy because thank God we are healthy. I hope to return to school to spend time with my friends and teachers face-to-face very soon. Well, I hope it will be a good year for me and for you too! 2. Look for a list of the verbs in past tense (REGULAR AND IRREGULAR VERBS ) ayuda plis no es de traducir mas facil es encontrar los verbos en el texto =)

Analia054: Mucho texto.

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Contestado por Usuario anónimo



largo. Estábamos tristes porque no podíamos ver a nuestros amigos y maestros, pero nuestros padres nos dijeron que era por nuestra seguridad. Durante esta pandemia, hemos aprendido muchas cosas. Aprendí a cocinar. También aprendí a jugar con mis hermanos; Creamos diferentes juegos para entretenernos. Disfruté viendo series en la televisión y leyendo libros. Aprendimos a ser más colaborativos en casa y lo más importante fue aprender a disfrutar del tiempo en familia. Este es un nuevo año escolar donde seguiremos tomando clases en línea, pero estamos felices porque gracias a Dios estamos saludables. Espero volver a la escuela para pasar tiempo con mis amigos y maestros cara a cara muy pronto. Bueno, espero que sea un buen año para mí y para ti también. 2. Busque una lista de los verbos en tiempo pasado (

Contestado por anelyscv06


a) Alison is 14 years old  (False)

b) Her mother is a doctor (trude.)

c) Her father is not a chef(false)

d) She enjoyed to watch series on TV(trudre.)

e) During this pandemic, we have learned many things. (trude)

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