Inglés, pregunta formulada por Joako505, hace 4 meses

1.- Read the text and color:
a.Verb To-be = Red
b.Other verbs= Blue
c.Adjectives= Yellow
d.Personal pronouns: green
Celine Dion’s biography
Celine Dion is a famous singer. She’s from Quebec, Canada. and she lives in a big hometown. She sometimes travels around the world to sing in other countries. She’s a widow now and she has three georgous children. She participates in different festivals around the world. Her most important álbum is “La Voix du bon Dieu”. She also has many awards. Her best song is “My heart will go on” that appears in Titanic. Her family and friends really admire her because of her hard work. Celine is grateful to her amazing fans and loves them very much.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por InvisibleVioleta

Hola, Joako505:  


1. Read the text and color.

a. Verb to be = red

b. Other verbs = blue

c. Adjectives = yellow (orange)

d. Personal pronouns: green

Celine Dion’s biography

Celine Dion is a famous singer. She’s from Quebec, Canada, and she lives in a big hometown. She sometimes travels around the world to sing in other countries. She’s a widow now and she has three gorgeous children. She participates in different festivals around the world. Her most important album is “La Voix du bon Dieu.” She also has many awards. Her best song is “My heart will go on,” that appears in Titanic. Her family and friends really admire her because of her hard work. Celine is grateful to her amazing fans and loves them very much.



a. Verb 'to be' ➙ red

Celine Dion IS a famous singer. She’S from Quebec, Canada, and she lives in a big hometown. She sometimes travels around the world to sing in other countries. She’S a widow now and she has three gorgeous children. She participates in different festivals around the world. Her most important album IS “La Voix du bon Dieu.” She also has many awards. Her best song is “My heart will go on,” that appears in Titanic. Her family and friends really admire her because of her hard work. Celine IS grateful to her amazing fans and loves them very much.


En este texto, en la mayoría de los casos el apóstrofo + '-s' es la contracción de la forma verbal 'is'. En el título del artículo, sin embargo, está usado para formar un sustantivo posesivo (o sea, el apóstrofo + '-s' no es un verbo):  

• Celine Dion’s biography = the biography of Celine Dion


b. Other verbs ➙ blue

Celine Dion is a famous singer. She’s from Quebec, Canada, and she LIVES in a big hometown. She sometimes TRAVELS around the world to SING in other countries. She’s a widow now and she HAS three gorgeous children. She PARTICIPATES in different festivals around the world. Her most important album is “La Voix du bon Dieu.” She also HAS many awards. Her best song is “My heart WILL GO ON,” that APPEARS in Titanic. Her family and friends really ADMIRES her because of her hard work. Celine is grateful to her amazing fans and loves them very much.


El verbo 'go on' (= seguir, continuar) es un 'phrasal verb', es decir, una frase verbal formada por un verbo (= go) y una partícula adverbial (= on) que determina su significado. Además, como está conjugado en el futuro simple, está acompañado por el verbo auxiliar 'will'. Yo he marcado/coloreado toda la construcción porque, con respecto al significado, no es lo mismo 'go' (= ir) que 'go on' (= seguir, continuar) y en cuanto al tiempo verbal, el verbo auxiliar 'will' es parte del verbo conjugado 'will go on' (= seguirá, continuará) aunque no sea un verbo pleno, o sea, con significado propio. El auxiliar 'will' es equivalente a las terminaciones que en español se añaden a la raíz de un verbo para formar su futuro: continuaré continuarás, continuaremos, etc. Si tú quieres, puedes marcar solo 'go'. Para estar más seguro(a), pregúntale a tu maestro(a).

will go on = auxiliary/helping verb 'will' + main verb 'go on'

go on (phrasal verb) = verb 'go' + adverbial particle 'on'


c. Adjectives ➙ yellow (orange)

• famous • big • three • gorgeous • different • important • (bon) • many • best • hard • grateful • amazing


1. La palabra 'bon' (= buen) está en francés. La he marcado/coloreado porque es un adjetivo calificativo.  

2. He enumerado/coloreado solo los adjetivos calificativos (= qualifying adjectives). En el texto hay varios adjetivos posesivos (Her, My) que he subrayado, pues, pese a ser adjetivos, actualmente son clasificados como determinantes (= determiners) por la mayoría de los gramáticos y lingüistas.

3. El texto de color amarillo es muy difícil de leer, por lo que en la imagen he reemplazado ese color por el naranja.


d. Personal pronouns ➙ green

Celine Dion is a famous singer. SHE’s from Quebec, Canada, and SHE lives in a big hometown. SHE sometimes travels around the world to sing in other countries. SHE’s a widow now and she has three gorgeous children. SHE participates in different festivals around the world. Her most important album is “La Voix du bon Dieu.” SHE also has many awards. Her best song is “My heart will go on,” that appears in Titanic. Her family and friends really admire HER because of her hard work. Celine is grateful to her amazing fans and loves THEM very much.


1. La palabra 'her' puede pertenecer a varias categorías gramaticales (= word classes). He resaltado/[coloreado en verde] el único caso en el que 'her' es un pronombre personal (objetivo) en este texto. En el resto de los casos, que están subrayados, es un determinante (o un adjetivo posesivo).

Saludos. ✨


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