Inglés, pregunta formulada por jnavarretet, hace 4 meses

1.- My uncle ................ (save) a lot of money to buy a new sports car two years ago. 2.- Bernardo ............... (walk) his dogs when he ................ (see) your girlfriend with Sergio. 3.- Margaret ................. (reply) all the letters she ................... (receive) last week. 4.- While Julian ....................... (repair) his motorbike, his grandfather ............... (read) a magazine. 5.- Andrew ................... (give) some money to his sister and she ............ (tell) him ‘thank you’. 6.-When Caroline .................... (get) off the bus it .......................... (snow) a little. 7.-I think some prices ..................... (increase) a lot during the last two months. 8.-They .......... (talk) on the phone when the boss ..............(arrive) at the office. 9.-My cousin Lilia ..................... (tell) me good jokes yesterday evening at the pub. 10.-It was very cold so I ....................... (shiver) and ................ (feel) tired. 11.-Leonard ..................... (do) some research at the laboratory when I called him. 12.- The girl ................ (whisper) something in my ear but I couldn’t understand it. 13.-At 5,00 Mrs Simpson ................ (have) a cup of coffee with some friends. 14.-Helen and Hector ........... (spend) a lot of money last Easter holidays. 15.-Alexander ............ (begin) to cry when I .......... (tell) him the bad news. 16.-The Williams family ................. (move) house when my mother had the baby. 17.-Hannah Hutted...........(become) a well-known writer five years ago in France. 18.-The snow .................. (cover) the mountains when I ................. (wake) up. 19.- The little girl ................ (fall) down and ................. (cry) loudly. 20.- We ................ (play) bingo when the lights ............ (go) out. 21.- Many people ..................... (travel) on the ship when it hit some rocks.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por roxxansroxxane


Dios de que trata esto?

Te podría ayudar xd pero nose de que trata lo siento

paulahernandz09: pasado simpley continuo
Contestado por Yenipachay


1. saved  

2. was walking, saw

3. was replying, received

4.was repairing

5. gave,told

6. got, was snowing

7. increased

8. were talking, arrived

9. told

10. was shivering, feeling

11. was doing


13. had

14. spent

15.began, told

16. were moving

17. became

18. was covering

19. fell, cried

20. were playing, went

21. were travelling                                                                                  

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