Inglés, pregunta formulada por dzibpachecovaleria, hace 7 meses

1. Look at ----------- newspaper here.
2. ---------------- are my grandparents, and -------------- people over there are my friend's grandparents.
3. -------------- building over there is the Chrysler Building.
4. ---------------- is my mobile phone and ------------ is your mobile phone on the shelf over there.
5. ---------------- photos here are much better than ----------------- photos on the book.
6. ---------------- was a great evening.
7. Are ----------------- your pencils here?
8. ------------------- bottle over there is empty.
9. --------------------- bricks over there are for your chimney.
10. John, take ----------------- folder and put it on the desk over there.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por appsymas14


1. Look at the newspaper here.

2. They are my grandparents, and the people over there are my friend's grandparents.

3. I'm building over there is the Chrysler Building.

4. This is my mobile phone and this is your mobile phone on the shelf over there.

5. The photos here are much better than these photos on the book.

6. It was a great evening.

7. Are your pencils here?

8. The bottle over there is empty.

9. Those bricks over there are for your chimney.

10. John, take that folder and put it on the desk over there.

Contestado por megatokay

A continuación se muestran las frases en ingles completadas con that, this, those, and these correspondientes, pero antes definamos de son los adjetivos demostrativos en ingles.

¿Qué son los demostrativos en ingles?

Son pronombres y adjetivos que hacen referencia a objetos y personas que están ubicadas cerca o lejos del que habla. Existen dos que son singulares y 2 en plural que son:

  • These or Those: El primero hace referencia a objetos cercanos al que habla y el segundo a los que están lejos de él o ella. Por ejemplo:

These pencils (estos bolígrafos)

Those pencils over there  (aquellos bolígrafos de allá)

  • This or That: Hacen referencia a un objeto o persona cerca o lejos. Ejemplo:

This pencil (este bolígrafo)

That pencil (aquel bolígrafo)

Oraciones con demostrativos en ingles

  • Look at this newspaper here.

  • These are my grandparents, and those people over there are my friend's grandparents.

  • That building over there is the Chrysler Building.

  • This is my mobile phone and that is your mobile phone on the shelf over there.

  • These photos here are much better than those photos on the book.

  • That was a great evening.

  • Are these your pencils here?

  • That bottle over there is empty.

  • Those bricks over there are for your chimney.

  • John, take this folder and put it on the desk over there.

Para saber más acerca de los demostrativos en ingles consulte:

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