Inglés, pregunta formulada por vog2293, hace 9 meses

1. If she _____ (have) a free evening tomorrow, she_____ (take) you to the cinema. 2. If you heat water to 100°c, it ______ (boil). 3. She can help you if you______ (ask) her. 4. If you ______ (not water) plants regular, they die. 5. If you walk ten miles with me, you ______ (feel) tired. 6. I won´t go out if it _______ (not stop) raining. 7. If the temperature is lower than 0°c, water _______ (freeze). 8. You can waste lot of time if you _____ (watch) too much tv. 9. If the climate gets warmer I ______(not wear) this jacket. 10. I ______ (not enjoy) the party if you ______ (not come). 11. If the apartment is too expensive we _____ (not rent) it. 12. If it ______ (be) cold this evening, I _____ (stay) at home. 13. If you ______ (study) hard, you _____ (be) a good student. 14. If it ____ (rain) the streets _____ (get) wet. 15. If you ____ (mix) red and yellow, you_______ (get) orange. 16. She _________ (phone) to the doctor if she _________ (feel) bad again. 17. We _________ (miss) the train if we _________ (not hurry) up!. 18. If I _________ (eat) too much chocolate, I_______(get) sick.

alesandra14: pero que quieres que haga? en interrogativa? present simple? past simple?
vog2293: es condicional 0 y 1

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por Usuario anónimo


1. If she HAS a free evening tomorrow, she WILL TAKE you to the cinema.

2. If you heat water to 100°c, it BOILS.

3. She can help you if you ASK her.

4. If you DON'T WATER plants regular, they die.

5. If you walk ten miles with me, you WILL FEEL tired.

6. I won´t go out if it DOESN'T STOP raining.

7. If the temperature is lower than 0°c, water FREEZES .

8. You can waste lot of time if you WATCH too much tv.

9. If the climate gets warmer I WON'T WEAR this jacket.

10. I WON'T ENJOY the party if you DON'T COME.

11. If the apartment is too expensive we WON'T RENT it.

12. If it IS cold this evening, I WILL STAY at home.

13. If you STUDY hard, you WILL BE a good student.

14. If it RAINS, the streets GET wet.

15. If you MIX red and yellow, you GET orange.

16. She WILL PHONE to the doctor if she FEELS bad again.

17. We WILL MISS the train if we DON'T HURRY up!.

18. If I EAT too much chocolate, I WILL GET sick.

vog2293: una pregunta en el 14 donde pusiste GET, no se pone GETS? es una duda
vog2293: ahh bueno muchas gracias por la aclaración
Contestado por jesuscastro67







4.-dont water


6.-doesn´t stop

7.- freezes


9.-don´t wear

10.- don´t enjoy

10.-don´t come

11.- don´t rent

12.- is, stay.

13.- study, are.

14.- rains get

15.- mix. get.

16.- phones. feels

17.- miss,  don´t hurry

18.- eat, get.

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