Inglés, pregunta formulada por malejachavesmera, hace 16 horas

(1) I _____ speak to my neighbor.
a. all the time
b. hardly ever
c. from time to time
d. now and then

(2) Janet _____ Alaska yet.
a. wasn’t in
b. hasn’t been to
c. went to
d. had gone to

(3) Rachel _____ out with my brother for a year now.
a. has gone
b. went
c. had been
d. has been going

(4) We _____ have a dog called Lion when we were kids.
a. had
b. would
c. used to
d. were

(5) Don’t _____ with me – you know I’m right.
a. discuss
b. argue
c. dispute
d. yell

(6) Sue _____ them that she was unhappy with their work. They all look sad today.
a. will tell
b. has to tell
c. had been told
d. must have told

(7) John tells me Jack’s going out with Helen, _____ I find hard to believe.
a. that
b. who
c. whose
d. which

(8) If I’d installed a GPS in my car, I _____ in my last trip.
a. won’t get lost
b. wouldn’t lose
c. wouldn’t get lost
d. wouldn’t have gotten lost

(9) I’m not a very good _____. I don’t even know how to boil an egg.
a. cook
b. cooker
c. cookery
d. cooking

(10) I like your hair. Where _____?
a. you cut it
b. did you have it cut
c. do you cut it
d. have it cut

(11) Lucy hasn’t done her assignment and _____ have I.
a. so
b. too
c. either
d. neither

(12) _____ tea and coffee.
a. Make yourself
b. Help yourself to
c. Let me introduce you to
d. Serve yourself
(13) I told her that we were having a party and that she was invited. She asked me who else I _____ .
a. invite
b. invited
c. have invited
d. had invited

(14) Don’t forget to _____ the light when you go out.
a. turn up
b. turn in
c. turn off
d. turn over

(15) Try _____ some honey to stop your cough. It usually works for me.
a. to have
b. having
c. to have had
d. have

(16) Promising something to your client and not delivering it is a _____ for disaster.
a. dish
b. recipe
c. prescription
d. check

(17) I think Joey must _____ late tonight. His office light is still on.
a. have worked
b. work
c. be working
d. to work

(18) In the painting “The Scream”, by Edward Munch, the person portrayed _____ he or she is in complete desperation.
a. looks
b. seems
c. appears
d. looks as if

(19) Joel attached his _____ to his job application.
a. CV
b. BSc
c. DIY
d. VAT

(20) At the end of conversations, people typically say
“ _____ in touch.”
a. Be
b. Stay
c. Keep
d. Remain

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por XtruFantasma


1. b

2. b

3. d

4. c

5. b

6. d

7. d

8. d

9. a

10. b

11. d

12. d

13. b

14. c

15. b

16. b

17. c

18. d

19. a

20. c

Espero haberte ayudado

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