Inglés, pregunta formulada por juanestradareqejo, hace 17 horas

1. Giraffes are (tall) horses. 2. My pencil case is (beautiful) yours. 3. Sheep are (fat) goats. . 4. Summer is (hot) winter. 5. Eiffel Tower is |(high) Big Ben. 6. A parrot is (noisy) a canary. 7. This exercise is (boring) that one. 8. My bed is (comfortable) yours. 9. Elephants are (heavy) lions. 10.The Pacific Ocean is (deep) the Artic Ocean. 11.Dolphins are (intelligent) tuna.​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por MAVP19
1. Giraffes are (taller than ) horses. 2. My pencil case is (more beautiful than) yours. 3. Sheep are (fatter than) goats. . 4. Summer is (hotter than) winter. 5. Eiffel Tower is (higher than) Big Ben. 6. A parrot is (noisier than ) a canary. 7. This exercise is (more boring than) that one. 8.
My bed is (more comfortable than) yours. 9. Elephants are (heavier than) lions. 10.The Pacific Ocean is (deeper than) the Artic Ocean. 11.Dolphins are (more intelligent than a) tuna.
Contestado por gabserlab

Se completan las siguientes oraciones colocando el adjetivo entre paréntesis en su forma comparativa correcta (comparative adjective):

1. Giraffes are taller than horses.

2. My pencil case is more beautiful than yours.

3. Sheep are fatter than goats.  

4. Summer is hotter than winter.

5. Eiffel Tower is higher than Big Ben.

6. A parrot is noisier than a canary.

7. This exercise is more boring than one.

8. My bed is more comfortable than yours.

9. Elephants are heavier than lions.

10. The Pacific Ocean is deeper than the Arctic. Ocean.

11. Dolphins are more intelligent than tuna.

¿Cuándo se usa el comparative adjective?

Para comparar dos objetos o personas. Su estructura es:

Sujeto + verbo + adjetivo comparativo + than + otro objeto o persona.

Puedes aprender más sobre los comparative adjectives en:


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