Inglés, pregunta formulada por antonelaceleste123, hace 11 meses

1- Escribí el pasado de los siguientes verbos regulares y el significado
Play  ....................... Wash  .........................
Try  ........................
Turn  ........................
Observe  ........................
Need  ..........................
Live  ...........................
Laugh  .........................
Dance  ............................
Kiss  ............................
Invite  .........................

Walk  ......................
Watch  ....................
Listen  .....................
Wait  ......................
Ask  ........................
Want  ......................
Call  ........................
Decide  .....................
Work  .....................

2- Completar las oraciones con la forma correcta de los verbos (VERBO + ED)
a- My uncle............................. (Visit) us this weekend.
b- I......................... (Listen) to music with my friends.
c- We.......................... (Study) hard for the exam. We........................... (Answer) all the questions.
d- You ........................... (finish ) your homework
e- Karen............................. (Ask) for help to finish her homework.
f- I............................... (Invite) them to your party last week.
g- Yesterday somebody............................... (Knock) at the door.
h- The students................................ (Walk) down the street with their teachers.

3- Reescribir las oraciones en forma NEGATIVA e INTERROGATIVA.
Por ejemplo  Clara played tennis last week.
(-) Clara didn’t play tennis last week.
(?) Did Clara play tennis last week?
a- He closed the door
(?) .........................................................................

b- My father washed his car
(-) .......................................................................
(?) ......................................................................

c- Henry prepared the dinner
(-) ......................................................................
(?) .....................................................................

d- Lisa finished cleaning
(-) ......................................................................
(?) .....................................................................

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por lindonboto


played jugué

washed lavé

tried intenté

turned cambié

looked observé

needed necesité

lived viví

laughed reí

danced bailé

kissed besé

invited invité

walked caminé

watched miré

listened escuché

waited esperé

asked pregunté

wanted quise/quería

called llamé

decided decidí

worked trabajé

my uncle visited us this weekend

i listened to music with my friends

we studied hard for the exam, we answered all the questions

you fiished your homework

karen asked for help to finish her homework

i invited them to your party last week

yesterday somebody knocked at the door

the students walked down the street with their teachers

he didn´t close the door

did he close the door?

my father didn´t wash his car

did my father wash his car?

henry didn´t prepared the dinner

did henry prepare the dinner?

lisa didn´t finish cleaning

did lisa finish cleaning

antonelaceleste123: gracias
Contestado por miguelsuddocumet


- Escribí el pasado de los siguientes verbos regulares y el significado

Play  played : jugo  Wash  washed: lavo

Try  tried : trato, intento

Turn turned

Observe observed : observo

Need  needed: necesito

Live  lived : vivio

Laugh laughed : rió

Dance danced: bailo

Kiss kissed: besó

Invite : invited: invitó, invitado (a)

Walk  walked : camino

Watch watched: vio

Listen  listened: escucho

Wait  waited: espero

Ask  asked: pregunto, pidio

Want  wanted: quizo

Call  called: llamo

Decide decided. decidio, decidido

Work  worked: trabajo, trabajado

2- Completar las oraciones con la forma correcta de los verbos (VERBO + ED)

a- My uncle............................. (Visit) us this weekend.  visited

b- I......................... (Listen) to music with my friends . listened

c- We.......................... (Study) hard for the exam. We........................... (Answer) all the questions.  answered

d- You ........................... (finish ) your homework  finished

e- Karen............................. (Ask) for help to finish her homework.  asked

f- I............................... (Invite) them to your party last week.  invited

g- Yesterday somebody............................... (Knock) at the door.  knoked

h- The students................................ (Walk) down the street with their teachers.


3- Reescribir las oraciones en forma NEGATIVA e INTERROGATIVA.

Por ejemplo  Clara played tennis last week.  

(-) Clara didn’t play tennis last week.  

(?) Did Clara play tennis last week?  

a- He closed the door

(-) he didn't close the door

(?) did he close the door

b- My father washed his car

(-) my father didn't wash his car

(?) did my father wash his car?

c- Henry prepared the dinner

(-) henry didn´t prepare the dinner

(?) did henry prepare the dinner

d- Lisa finished cleaning

(-) Lisa didn't finish cleaning

(?) did lisa finish cleaning



antonelaceleste123: gracias
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