1. Escriba una experiencia importante de su vida que haya tenido utilizando el tiempo pasado.
(10 reglones)
Respuestas a la pregunta
While i was a little kid I always thought of the joy of playing with my parents, they raised me well and I was pretty happy at the moment with them, I remember the time we went togheter to the mountains, I was a very little kid and I enjoyed all kinds of foods, we walked togheter for a long time around dirt paths and we even took a boat around a lake ! I enjoyed it so much. We stayed the night on a hotel, I ate some very delicious Ice cream and I enjoyed it so much, I was very happy of it, next morning we went back to the roads, we were going back home, I was pretty sad that our adventure was over but I enjoyed the ride back as they bought me some drinks and food for the way back, I am so grateful for my parents and I will always remember that day from now on.
Esto es una historia inventada, porfavor no tener en mente que sea verdadera.
Si, ya que tendrás una vida saludable y un sistema inmunologico fuerte que una enfermedad o el virus que nos esta pasando global mente tendrás mas posibilidad de sobrevivir a la epidemia y a otras enfermedades y así no infectarte por eso es importante que tengas una vida saludable y hagas ejercicio para que te sientas bien y orgulloso o orgullosa.