Inglés, pregunta formulada por hilaricinthia12, hace 7 días

1) Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Then highlight all the frequency adverbs. Lesley's day Lesley is a teacher at Hackney College in London. On weekdays she always gets up at about 7 o'clock (on weekends she (not get) up early 1). She (have) a shower and then she has breakfast with her husband and daughter. After breakfast she (brush) her teeth and (get) dressed and then she (take) her daughter to school. She (not go) to college by car, she goes by bicycle. She (start) work at 9 o'clock. At about 1.30 she usually (have) a sandwich and some fruit in her office. She (finish) work at 5 o'clock and picks up her daughter from her after school club She goes to the gym twice a week. She usually has dinner at about 7 o'clock and then she has a cup of coffee. In the evening she sometimes (listen) to the radio. She (like) listening to music. She usually goes to bed at about 11.30. She (not watch) TV, she reads her book for about half an hour. She (go) to sleep at midnight.​

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por joshinamarianahuaman


1) Completa el texto con la forma correcta del verbo entre paréntesis. Luego resalte todos los adverbios de frecuencia. El día de Lesley Lesley es profesora en el Hackney College de Londres. Los días de semana siempre se levanta alrededor de las 7 en punto (los fines de semana no se levanta temprano 1). Se ducha y luego desayuna con su marido y su hija. Después del desayuno se (cepilla) los dientes y (se) viste y luego (lleva) a su hija a la escuela. Ella (no va) a la universidad en auto, va en bicicleta. Ella (comienza) a trabajar a las 9 en punto. Aproximadamente a la 1.30, por lo general (toma) un sándwich y algo de fruta en su oficina. Ella (termina) de trabajar a las 5 en punto y recoge a su hija de su club extracurricular. Va al gimnasio dos veces por semana. Por lo general, cena alrededor de las 7 en punto y luego toma una taza de café. Por la noche, a veces (escucha) la radio. A ella (le gusta) escuchar música. Suele acostarse alrededor de las 11.30. Ella (no mira) la televisión, lee su libro durante aproximadamente media hora. Ella (se va) a dormir a la medianoche.

esa es su traducción


espero averte ayudado siquiera con la traducción ❤

Contestado por anaregalado


  1. 1) Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets. Then highlight all the frequency adverbs. Lesley's day Lesley is a teacher at Hackney College in London. On weekdays she always gets up at about 7 o'clock (on weekends she (not get) up early 1). She (have) a shower and then she has breakfast with her husband and daughter. After breakfast she (brush) her teeth and (get) dressed and then she (take) her daughter to school. She (not go) to college by car, she goes by bicycle. She (start) work at 9 o'clock. At about 1.30 she usually (have) a sandwich and some fruit in her office. She (finish) work at 5 o'clock and picks up her daughter from her after school club She goes to the gym twice a week. She usually has dinner at about 7 o'clock and then she has a cup of coffee. In the evening she sometimes (listen) to the radio. She (like) listening to music. She usually goes to bed at about 11.30. She (not watch) TV, she reads her book for about half an hour. She (go) to sleep at midnight.​


  • espero te ayude :)
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