Inglés, pregunta formulada por alejandraruiiz15, hace 11 meses

1. Choose the correct answer (Escoge la respuesta correcta) A. English is: a. The most spoken language b. The most important language c. The most difficult language B. According to a web page, most information stored is in English and: a. There are not scientists who can read it in English b. A low quantity of scientists can read it in English c. A good percentage of scientists can read it in English C. English is the first used language in the following scope a. The art scope b. The scientific scope c. The Language scope D. The used of a language in the development of a scientific method represents a. An important factor to obtain the maximum performance of the transmission sources. b. An important factor to get just the general information. c. An important factor to get any result. E. English is also used in the space searches and exploration because a. All people come from Anglo spoken countries. b. It´s how people can communicate because it needs an international representation of the field. c. All the books come in English.

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por linamoreno08


A. English is: B

B. According to a web page, most information stored is in English and: C

C. English is the first used language in the following scope: C

D. The used of a language in the development of a scientific method represents: A

E. English is also used in the space searches and exploration because: B

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