Inglés, pregunta formulada por johanzaidzapata, hace 11 meses

1. Alguien que me pueda ayudar con 10 oraciones en voz pasiva en pasado simple del antes del fútbol y 10 oraciones con voz pasiva en presente simple del después del fútbol, en total serian 20 muchas gracias es de urgencia

Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por jostinmoreira

1. This song was originally written by Paul Simon.

2. That movie was well done.

3. The pizza was made by me.

4. Camila was born in USA.

5. The salmon was caught in a river.

6. The shoes were made in Spain.

7. The car was crashed in the highway.

8. Grapes were raised in France.

9. iPhone was invented by Apple Inc.

11. You were called by the secretary.

12. The Chrysler building was built in 1930  

13. A lot of poems were written about love  

14.All the cookies were eaten by Marcos.  

15. My wallet was stolen this morning

16.The mails was delivered two days ago

17.The chocolate was eaten by my girlfriend

18.The baby was taken care by my mother  

19. The song was sung by Mariah Carey  

20. Rome was funded by a Romulo and Remo

En el idioma Inglés la voz pasiva (passive voice) es una conjugación verbal que se utiliza para darle más énfasis al sujeto sobre el que recae la acción o que la ejecuta que sobre la acción misma. Esta se construye empleando la siguiente formulación:

Sujeto + Verbo aux TO BE  + Participio Pasado del Verbo + Complemento.

Si vamos a usar el tiempo de pasado simple debemos usar el verbo TO BE en pasado (was / were)

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