Inglés, pregunta formulada por ludiniaAbigaillopez, hace 3 meses

1.4 Production O buenasbserva el mapa y escribe la ubicación de los siguientes lugares. Lee el ejemplo para una mejor orientación. Police station Flower shop Theater Coffee shop Beauty shop Example: A: Where is the video store? B: It’s on Mallory Street between the bakery and the gas station.​


Respuestas a la pregunta

Contestado por rositaflores471


- the police station is betwen the court house and second avenue

- the coffe shop is betwen flower shop and third avenue

- the theater is nex to the restaurant and mallory street

- the beauty shop is betwen the book store and first avenue


suleymaquintana444: listooo
suleymaquintana444: actividad 4 de la guía 7 jiji
suleymaquintana444: gracias
HamiltonPalacios: thanks for you
Contestado por evelyn15mejia15


where is the police station

It's on second avenue

behind the cour House

2 where is the flower shop

It's on second avenue

Next to the coffe shop


espero te sirvan:(

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