1.4 Production Escribe en tu cuaderno o computadora 10 ejemplos de actividades que realizarás en el futuro, utiliza la estructura be going to para hablar del futuro.
Respuestas a la pregunta
° I am going to swim next Saturday
° I am going to make a cake today
° I am going to wash the car
° I am going to watch that film
° I am going to buy a bicycle
° I am going to have time to play
° I am going to do her homework
° I am going to buy the house
° I am going to eat all that food
° I am going to go to the church
Espero y te sirva ♀️
Se escriben 10 oraciones con actividades que voy a realizar en el futuro, utilizando la estructura be going to:
- I am going to do my homework.
- I am going to meet him tomorrow.
- I am going to cut my hair.
- I am going to meet my friend at a park.
- I am going to feed the rabbits.
- I am going to travel to Paris for vacations.
- I am going to school now.
- I am going to read a romance book on my e-reader.
- I am going to study medicine.
- I'm going to exercise in the park.
¿Cuándo se usa el “be going to”?
Este tiempo verbal se usa para expresar ideas, acciones o hechos en futuro. Se usa “be going to” cuando ya has decidido hacer algo o para hablar de intenciones planificadas a futuro. Las oraciones se escriben con la siguiente estructura:
Sujeto + (verbo to be) going to + verbo en infinitivo + complemento.
Puedes ver más oraciones con “be going to” en: brainly.lat/tarea/1674440